Can Children Use Protein Powder?
Short answer, yes. Learn about children's protein needs during their early years and why maintaining adequate protein intake is important for optimal growth and development. How to choose the highest quality protein powder for your child.
Learn about your protein needs during pregnancy and why maintaining adequate protein intake is important for optimal health, growth and development of both baby and mother during this special time.
What Makes Go Good Suitable For Pregnancy and Children? One of the most popular questions we are asked and a large part of this is down to our own philosophy when it comes to protein powder and anything else we put in our bodies - it’s important for our food sources to be as natural as possible. Go Good Whey Protein As a result of this philosophy, our whey protein is clean, authentic and pure. Free from any chemical or hormone and sourced from healthy cows that graze the lush New Zealand pastures year round. It’s as high quality...
How does protein help me during pregnancy? During pregnancy, your protein intake is going to prove valuable, not just for your developing baby, but also for you. Healthy weight gain during pregnancy is a big concern for most and luckily, protein can help to solve at least a part of this process.
Is it safe to drink protein shakes during lactation? The short answer is yes! It's recommended that nursing mums consume 25 extra grams of protein per day. Clean protein powders are a safe and convenient way to increase your daily protein intake.